Immaculate Heart of Mary: 2nd Grade

Mrs. Dailey

Mrs. Jill Dailey

Teacher Bio:

Hello!  I am Mrs. Dailey and welcome to Immaculate Heart of Mary’s 2nd grade classroom!   

I have a degree in Early Childhood Education, followed by a Masters of Arts in Teaching PK-4th grade. I am currently in my 18th year teaching, and this is my 8th year at IHM.

My husband and I became part of the IHM parish 16 years ago. We have 2 children attending IHM, and another child that is an IHM graduate. IHM is an important part of our family! We feel at home in our church and school community.

I love to continue to learn and grow as a teacher! Every year I feel like my students help me learn new things. 2nd grade is a special grade level. Students learn to love reading, pick up new math skills, explore new science and social studies topics, and grow in independence! Students also grow spiritually and receive two new sacraments, including First Reconciliation and Communion.