Immaculate Heart of Mary: 4th Grade

Mr. Vilchez

Mr. Magdiel Vilchez

Welcome to IHM and my 4th Grade Class!

Mr. Vilchez  

Teacher Bio:

Fourth grade is an exciting time for children as they strengthen and grow their foundational skills in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Students also make the leap to reading to learn, applying previous strategies acquired during PK3 through 3rd grade. These reading skills will begin to open worlds of interests and opportunities throughout their lives. Additionally, students will apply reading skills to dive deep into scripture from both the Old and New Testament.

I was born in Matagalpa, Nicaragua. Our family immigrated to the United States during the 1980s . I was raised in the city of San Francisco, California but received my Bachelor's of Art in Art at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. After a beautiful experience growing in God in Hawaii, I decided to serve as an educator. I received my Master's in Education from Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, California. I have taught in Catholic Schools for 12 years and am looking forward to my thirteenth year as a Catholic School Educator!

I have been married for a little over five years now and in 2021, we brought a beautiful baby girl into this world. Eowyn is currently our only child but her joy is so infectious that I foresee a sibling somewhere in our future family.  I look forward to being part of the IHM 'Ohana and would like to share an inspirational quote from prominent Christian writer C.S Lewis,

"I believe in God as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else."

Mr. Vilchez