Parish Life & Ministry
Youth Ministry
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This ministry is committed to the reality that young people are an important and integral part of our parish. See the youth ministry page for more information.
The YFF program provide religious education for first through sixth grade who do not attend a Catholic school. These classes are required to receive the sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation. See the youth ministry page for more information.
RCIA is designed for both Catholic and non-Catholic adults. For Catholics, this is an opportunity to refresh and rekindle knowledge and understanding of fundamental Catholic teachings and traditions. For non-Catholics, it provides an introduction into Catholic Christianity through scripture study, learning about the Sacraments, the commandments, traditions and laws of the Church. This journey of faith begins in September with weekly sessions and, for those entering into the Church, continues through the Easter Vigil.
RCIC is designed for youths who wish to enter into full communion with the Catholic Faith under the direction of their parents or with parental permission on their own initiative. It provides faith formation and sacramental preparation in an age appropriate manner. The weekly sessions of this sacramental journey start in September. At the Easter Vigil, the children will receive the sacraments along with the RCIA candidates and catechumens. For more information, see the youth ministry page.